Hello, June!

I, Mahdalena
3 min readJun 1, 2021

It’s the 6th month of this year already. Time flies too fast, we are almost halfway there for this year. A lot of things happened, it feels like it’s just in a blink of eyes. Nonetheless, I am grateful for what I have right now. Deeply thankful for everything.

I feel so blessed to start this month in such an amazing way. Today was very special for the start of a new month. In short, my day went like this, I started my day by doing a virtual workout with my friend, then I went to The Breeze for the birthday lunch, and after that I had a sharing session with my new friend living with disability. I feel so completed and fulfilled. Alhamdulillah.

The highlight goes to the sharing session. It’s such an inspiring talk that I had today. Actually, this is the second time I have a sharing session with people with disability. A few months ago, I got a chance to have a sharing session with people with disability (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy). It went so smoothly because he talked just like how we talked so I didn’t have any trouble of understanding what he really spoke. Yet, today is a different experience for me. I was really struggling so hard to understand what he said. This new friend of mine has cerebral palsy which caused him to walk on a wheelchair and not being able to talk well. Before the sharing session, I was a bit worried knowing that he was not able to talk well, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to understand what he said and I made him felt not comfortable if I kept asking him to repeat his answer. Apparently, it was not as hard as I thought it would be. I was still struggling, I’m not gonna lie about this, yet it went so well. I felt like talking with normal people, the difference is just I needed extra focus to truly understand his pronunciation. Glad that I didn’t even ask him to repeat the answers. From this sharing session, I got an immense spirit about how he really values his life and tries his best to make an impact to the people around him in spite of the condition that he has.

With these two opportunities having a sharing session with people with disability, I realized that they both share the same spirit, they never think of themselves as ‘disable’ because they think they can actually do anything that they want, including pursuing their dreams and living their lives to the fullest. Yet, they might do it differently.

Those are such an enlightening sharing session, it taught me a lot to see from the different perspective, the one that I have never seen before. This makes me believe that there is no such thing as giving up due to uncomfortable conditions. We can always find our comfort among the rockiest conditions that we face, embracing it as it is. The question is only whether we want to try and fight for it, or we just stop there, blaming the universe for being unfair.

Hopefully, there will be more blessing fulfilling our days in June!

